Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fedex Fedup former and current employees tell how they really feel about this company

Based on True life experience that happend at FedEx with another co-worker

Monday, January 23, 2012

Ladies keep your P*ssy clean!

Saving yourself for marriage is one of the best way to perserve your "vajayjay" but until that time,make sure you keep your "vertical smile" clean and diseased free go to your gynecologist regularly use a cap full of
vinegar and water for

douching,use norforms and vanginal wash

to deodorize and freshen the p*ssy there are endless items at the drug store,a whole isle just to take care of our vajayjay,so bottom line is there is NO EXCUSE of why some of you women out there,you know who you are are smelling like the south st. sea port! CLEAN,SOAK,DEODORIZE YOUR P*SSY

LADIES and if it's a serious problem see your gynecologist.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Corporations,co workers from hell,crooked local government,welfare,unfair treatment of tax payers

This economy is bad enough with crooked politicians that we rely on to help those in need with our tax dollars and when it's time to receive government help only to be told "No funding" or have a 2 month waiting list at the county welfare just to receive help with lousy sevice watchin my tax dollars at work i'm pissed and very disappointed to see over 300 cases at the court house of people at risk of losing their homes in one day,It piss me off the only job some people have or had people grown ass people are being bullied by grown ass children and it pisses me off,Grow up already damn we all have families to take care of because it could be your ass on that welfare line I've seen people on my former job having to walk of their jobs because of bulling and the result is they have to lose thier apartment and because homeless why because of hartless people and unemployment is no help at all they way of think is you are suppose to take the abuse and die of stroke or health complications because the co workers from hell or the boss from hell have been giving hards workers like myself HELL for years and we just not going to take it any more and because we decide to take a stand we are being punished for it,while i see crack heads get more government and housing benefits then i do it pisses me off to see how twisted the system is,it pisses me off to see people trying to spit up married coupled especially black couples because of their own insecurities it's not right,I'm sick of foreigners(I don't have anything against all of them)coming into my country that i can count more than 7 generations back that been american citizens,telling me how to work,where to live,and over charging me on items,and also giving me stank attitude like i don't belong here.I'm fed up with the bullsh*t,I'm sick of it and of corporations that say it's ok to discriminate against people and slander their names just don't get caught,then when you go to the EEO or EEOC they tell you they can find nothing in their investigtions,but that's my tax dollars at work i want a refund Mr. President of lousy service that these government agencies are giving to poor tax payers like myself,people can be on welfare and live in million dollar homes while the poor working class have to live around crack,crime,roach,rat infested neighborhoods. Well i'm sick of it and i'm taking a stand,united we stand divided we fail